Saturday, October 6, 2007

Top Recipes..Breast of Chicken with Broccoli

Serves 8


300 g breast of chicken, cut into strips (marinate for about 10 minutes)
200 g broccoli heads, blanched
50 g roast almonds
2 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tbsp cornstarch
1 tbsp rice wine or sherry

To marinate chicken:

1 tbsp rice wine
½ tsp salt

For the sauce:

3 tbsp vinegar
2 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp tomato ketchup
½ tsp salt
1 tsp cornstarch


1. Heat ½ tbsp vegetable oil in the wok and quickly fry the broccoli. Switch to low heat and continue to cook until broccoli is half-cooked.
2. Remove the broccoli, clean the wok and pour in 1 ½ tbsp vegetable oil to warm. Roll the chicken pieces in cornstarch and fry quickly in the oil.
3. Add rice wine and switch to lowest setting to continue gently for a few minutes.
4. Push the chicken pieces to one side of the wok, pour in the sauce, heat for a few minutes and then add the broccoli and almonds. Mix well.

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