Monday, October 8, 2007

Top Recipes..Masala Dal


1 cup Split Red Lentil (Masoor Dal)
5 slit Green Chilli (Hari mirch)
1 tbsp chopped Coriander Leaves (Dhania Patta)
1/2 tsp Turmeric Powder (Haldi)
1/2 cup grated Coconut
Salt to taste
1 tsp Mustard Seeds (Rai / Raee)
1 tsp Cumin Seed (Jeera)
2 chopped Tomato (Tamatar)
1 tbsp Oil
1 medium sized sliced Onion (Pyaj)


Wash and soak the gram for 30 minutes.
Grind the grated coconut with a little water to a smooth paste in a blender.keep aside.
Fry the sliced onions till golden brown. remove and keep aside.
Cook the gram in a pressure cooker with just sufficient water to cook the dal until soft.
Remove the lid of the cooker and add the green chillies , turmeric powder tomatoes and salt. cook for 3 minutes.
When the tomatoes are cooked add the coconut paste. mix thoroughly.
Cook for a minute and remove from the flame.
Heat the oil in a pan. add the mustard seeds, when they crackle add the cumin seeds.
Fry for a few seconds over a low flame. pour over the dal.
Serve hot garnished with the fried onions and the chopped coriander leaves.

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